Monday, June 29, 2009

Thing #12

1. The 2 things that I thought were important were posting a meaningful message and criticize kindly. I am one who would leave one liners instead of really responding to the post. I really thought about why it is important to leave a meaningful message versus a one line post and I will be more aware and post more meaningful post. I guess I am talker not a writer or typist, I would rather say it than write it.
The criticize kindly was good. Just like with words out of our mouths we need to be mindful of how we respond online. I found through emails that b/c you can't see the person's face writing your email it can be hard to determine if they are joking or being serious sometimes. If we disagree with someone in person we handle or should handle it in a non confrontational or constructive way instead of attacking the person for seeing things differently, same goes with online. We need to make sure that our children if they are blogging that they are doing it in a kind way and not being rude to others online.

3. I posted blog on the issue of white fire fighters getting passed up for promotions due to Sotomayor's ruling, which was over turned today by her future colleagues if she makes it to the Supreme Court. I choose this b/c my uncle is a fire fighter and I am tired of discrimination of any color. if you are qualified for the job great! It shouldn't matter what color you are.
I also posted on 1800Blogger about Yao Ming's possibly career ending injury. I am a big basketball fand I can't believe some one so big is always hurt. He should be plowing down others, not smaller players plowing him down.


  1. I like to leave one liners instead of complete sentences too. Actually I was just talking about this to a friend and I was complaining about thinking faster than typing and sometimes not using proper grammar or punctuation. Someone had suggested to her to type in Microsoft Word and then do a copy paste, not a bad idea. It would take more time so do not know if I will do that or not.
    I agree critizing in print could sound a lot worse than in person. It certainly has to be handled very wise.
    Congrats on going out there and commenting on all those blogs................

  2. I agree with you that this "thing" gave us something to think about concerning the difference between a 1 or 2 line post and meaningful comments. I understand blogs to be introspective. But, I have noticed even with e-mails that comments and paragraphs are shorter than when we wrote letters on paper with pen. However, if a blog is a conversation, don't you think it makes it easier for the other person to respond to a topic if a person wrote a more detailed response?

    I agree very much with your comments about being careful to criticize kindly. I also think that is very important to teach to our students.

  3. It is difficult to criticize online without
    ?sounding? harsh. It always seems to come across as mean spirited or condescending. My approach is to always start with something I agree with, found interesting or liked. Then I am free to add my personal thoughts whatever they may be because I have spoken directly to the writers blog first. Not sure this works for all.
